Friday, September 18, 2009

A Sort Of Beginning

Bienvendios! Welcome!

As I take this opportunity to share with you my experiences, I stop to reflect about what has brought me here. The past few weeks have been filled with so much trip preparation that I haven't aniticipated the future, until now. I'm about to embark on a great journey, but more importantly I will be achieving a life goal: to go on a year of service.

I have been a member of the Baha'i Faith since birth. (Any immediate questions can be answered at Many youth decide and are encouraged to travel to other communities to serve for a year. My time will be spent in El Salvador, teaching at a Baha'i operated school called Colegio Ridvan. More on that to come!

Currently, I'm looking over the things I have packed. I leave Fairbanks (my home) later this morning for Anchorage, where I will spend a few days visiting family and friends. This is only the beginning of my travel and most everything is set. It's nice to finally be able to simply relax and enjoy the moment. Pressing concerns take up so much energy!
That being said, I ought to consider "hitting the hay". Thank you for your time, thoughts and joining me here. Hasta luego, buenas noches,

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