Monday, September 21, 2009


The drive down from Fairbanks was BEAUTIFUL! I drove a friend's car here, as a favor, and two of my friends joined the trip in another car. We stopped briefly in Denali National Park and had a jolly time. Fall colors are some of the most extraordinary things! I took so many pictures on the way here. It was neat to see the scenery change as the 360+ miles flew by.

My stay in Anchorage was a time surrounded by love and friends. Met some real fantastic Baha'is down here and ate good food :)

Now it is time for me to head to Houston, TX. Never been, so it should be quite the experience! My plane leaves a little after midnight, but I don't arrive in the "second biggest state" until noon tomorrow. ~Adios~

1 comment:

  1. Be sure to start some sort of military coup, I hear it's a popular thing to do, I look forward to your blogs.
